- Function:
“Fury” is the third blade, the result of the collaboration between “Wolven path forge” and “Divlandia”. While the small “Chigot” is a bushcraft knife for fine work, and the “Bagain” is a solid, sturdy knife in the “batonning” direction, the “Fury” covers a fairly wide range of applications.

The blade is designed for clearing a path through thorny, bushy and difficult-to-pass low-growing vegetation, as well as for rough cutting and even fine work such as extracting sawdust or sparks from magnesium flint. It is no coincidence that the field tests of the “Fury” lasted almost two years.

When you are out in the “wild”, you often have to spend hours making your way through overgrown areas and at the end of the day you have to set up camp for the night. That’s why the narrow and elongated shape of the blade makes it easy to work for long periods, and the thick 3.7 mm steel has impressive cutting durability.

- Grip – advantages:
“Fury” has several types of grips for work. The combination of a specific handle extended at the end and a straight front grip part allows you to change the grip while holding the machete with only one hand. With a grip at the back of the handle, you have rough chopping with more centrifugal force and minimum effort. When moving the grip one finger forward, control gradually increases, until at the end point the grip achieves the perfect balance for fine work of extracting wood chips for fire, sparks from magnesium flint and other similar activities.

- Adaptation to climate change:
Even the biggest skeptics are already convinced of the warming and drying of the climate. This leads to a significant increase in areas overgrown with shrub vegetation. That is why, in the design of the Furia, special attention was paid to the long work of paving a path in such terrain. Often, after cutting down such vegetation, the branches become entangled in each other. The slight curve in the front of the blade allows you to pull the cut material aside while continuing the cutting movement, which saves a significant amount of effort.